
  • January 05, 2024 9:07 AM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    The Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) is offering two professional development workshops for experienced faculty members.

    The Mid-Career Faculty Workshop (January 17) is intended for associate professors and full professors with 15 years plus remaining prior to retirement. The goal is to provide workshop attendees with tools and resources to navigate the mid-career stage including advancement to full and/or administrative pursuits. Full information is here.

    The Academic Leaders Workshop (January 18) is intended for individuals considering moving into leadership positions at the program, department, college, or university level. The goal is to provide workshop attendees with tools and resources to successfully navigate leadership positions including program coordinators, center directors, department chairs, dean, and others. Full information is here.

  • December 28, 2023 1:45 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    Call for Conference Papers: “Disclosing Failure, Benefit or Hazard for STEM Women Faculty? Advancing An Equity and Inclusion Perspective.”
    June 11-13, 2024, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
    NSF ADVANCE Grant # 2326704

    The value of disclosing scientific failures (teaching, mentoring research) has been well established. This conference seeks to transform national conversations and research inquiry by asking why, for whom and under what conditions disclosing failure is  discouraged or impeded. Welcoming participants from all STEM disciplines (The NSF definition of STEM includes the social and economic sciences), faculty ranks, and institution types. The term “women” includes cisgendered or transgendered persons who identify as women.

    Abstract Submission Deadline: February 15, 2024

    Complete information in the attached file or by contacting

  • December 19, 2023 4:59 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    Temporal Dimensions of Structural Racism and Racial and Ethnic Inequities,
    June 13-14, 2024

    Time is a critical but under-researched aspect of racial and ethnic disparities in daily life, including social and public interactions, health and well-being. The focus of the 2024 University of Maryland Time Use Conference will be using time use and well-being data to investigate temporal dimensions of racial and ethnic inequities and structural racism.

    The deadline to submit is January 12, 2024. 

    Visit the conference website for more information.

    In addition, the Maryland Population Research Center is accepting applications for the 2024 Time Use Data for Health and Well-Being Summer Workshop to be held June 12, 2024, the day before the conference.

    The workshop aims to promote awareness of and expertise in the IPUMS Time Use data archive, particularly use of American Time Use Survey (ATUS) and Well-being Module data, to investigate ethnoracial, gender, and sexuality population-level health inequities across the life course. IPUMS Time Use ( offers free, harmonized time diary data from the U.S. and around the world. These data facilitate comparative research and analysis of individuals within family contexts.

    The workshop application form is due Monday, February 19, 2024, 11:59 PM EST.

  • December 19, 2023 4:49 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    The Prevention Collaborative is offering "Transforming Gender Norms for Violence Prevention: The What, Why, and How."

    Recently, development actors’ interest and investment in programs to shift norms have surged. Both donors and programmers are realizing the importance of understanding and addressing social norms as part of a comprehensive approach to prevent and reduce violence. This self-paced course will help you to demystify what social norms are and how to address them in programs to prevent violence against women and children (VAW/C).

    This course is designed for program managers and technical leads who develop or implement violence prevention programs. It’s also useful for donors and multilateral organizations who design terms of reference for these types of programs.

    The course is online, self-paced, and free. For more information and to apply, see the website.

  • December 15, 2023 9:57 AM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    Sage has launched a tool to "empower researchers to discover the real-world impact of their work on policy. Sage Policy Profiles lets researchers easily see specific citations of their work in policy documents and then illustrate and share that work’s impact graphically. The tool is powered by Overton, which hosts an extensive repository of global policy documents, guidelines, think-tank publications, and working papers."

    [Ed. note: The tool is similar to other reference databases, such as Scopus and Google Scholar, but with the addition of policy documents not typically included in journal citation indices. It may work best if you have an updated ORCID profile.]

  • December 06, 2023 12:30 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    DCSS is seeking one or more graduate students to join the Executive Committee as at-large officers.  We are hoping to connect with energetic students who are passionate about our community and the field of sociology.

    At-large officers are appointed by the Executive Committee to represent the membership at large; student officers represent student members of the Society, in particular.  Student representatives typically serve for a period of two years; this appointment will begin in January 2024. At-large officers, including student officers, act as resources for conducting the business of the Society and provide ideas and material support to the principal officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor of The Sociologist) for organizing events and outreach.

    This role presents student representatives with opportunities to become more involved in and contribute to the sociology community in DC. And the Society offers resources to student representatives themselves, in terms of mentorship, collegial networks, publication opportunities, and overall professional socialization both to academic sociology and to sociology practice, including public sociology.   

    Interested students should send a resume and a short (no more than 150 words) statement about their sociological interests and leadership experience (or qualities) to DCSS President, Gay Young, and/or Secretary, Alex Rodriguez, by December 20, 2023. In addition, Alex can answer specific questions and speak in more detail about her positive prior experience as a student representative. We are looking forward to having graduate students join us and shape the future of DCSS! 

  • November 22, 2023 11:51 AM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    AERA is accepting submissions for the Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Series. Submissions are due on December 15. The initiative will provide a formal presentation opportunity for graduate students who are engaged in research that is underway but was not sufficiently far along to submit a paper in response to the AERA Annual Meeting Call for Submissions.

    This opportunity is open only to graduate students who did not otherwise submit a paper as an author or co-author for the 2024 Annual Meeting.

    The Call for Submissions provides additional information about eligibility and submission 

  • November 09, 2023 2:11 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    The ASA 2024 Annual Meeting, with President Joya Misra’s theme, “Intersectional Solidarities: Building Communities of Hope, Justice, and Joy,” will be held in Montréal from August 9-13, 2024. See the Call for Submissions to learn more about the types of proposals being accepted. The online portal is open for submissions now and the deadline is February 26, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.

  • November 08, 2023 2:02 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    Call for Proposals
    2024 Data-Intensive Research Conference
    July 31 - August 1, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN & online

    NDIRA, a collaboration between IPUMS and the University of Minnesota Life Course Center, is currently accepting submissions for the 2024 Data-Intensive Research Conference, to be held in person in Minneapolis, MN; key components of the program will also be available to virtual participants. The conference theme is Harnessing the Power of Linked Data to Study Aging. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2024.

  • November 08, 2023 1:59 PM | John Curtis (Administrator)

    The American Time Use Survey Eating and Health Module asks a series of questions related to grocery shopping, food preparation, and nutrition. The most recent module was fielded in 2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic and was previously fielded in 2006 to 2008 and 2014 to 2016. The 2022 Eating and Health Module, set to be fielded again in 2023, asks new questions, asks similar questions in different ways than previously fielded modules, and contains additional variables of high interest to researchers.

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