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  • DCSS presents Jordanna Matlon: The Long Crisis of Black Masculinity in Racial Capitalism

DCSS presents Jordanna Matlon: The Long Crisis of Black Masculinity in Racial Capitalism

  • February 20, 2025
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • American U. campus, DMTI 111



 Jordanna Matlon

"The Long Crisis of Black Masculinity in Racial Capitalism"

February 20, 2025, 5:30 PM
Location: American U. campus,
Don Myers Technology & Innovation Bldg. (DMTI) 111*
Light refreshments will be served

Please register for this free event to help us with planning.

Jordanna Matlon is Associate Professor of Global Inquiry in the School of International Service at American University. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Matlon is an urban sociologist and scholar of race and colonial legacies in Africa and the African diaspora. Her scholarship interrogates the ways “Blackness” operates as a signifier, intersects with gender norms, manifests in popular culture, and illuminates our understanding of political economy.

Her book, A Man among Other Men: The Crisis of Black Masculinity in Racial Capitalism (Cornell University Press) investigates the relationship between masculinity, work, and globalization in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. A Man among Other Men has won twelve awards from five associations across four disciplines, including the American Sociological Association's 2024 Distinguished Scholarly Book Award and the International Studies Association's John Ruggie ISA 2024 Best Book Award, the most prestigious publication awards in those disciplines. It also received an honorable mention for the African Studies Association Best Book Prize.

*Directions: AU “East Campus”, 3501 Nebraska Ave NW. Enter tunnel for surface-lot parking. Transit: Take the AU Blue shuttle from Tenleytown Metro station (Red Line) to Kerwin Hall, cross Nebraska Ave at the crosswalk.

Co-sponsored with American University Sociology Department

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